- update to version 3.1.0:
+ New Features
* `~.dates.ConciseDateFormatter`
* Secondary x/y Axis support
* `~.scale.FuncScale` for arbitrary axes scales
* Legend for scatter
* Matplotlib no longer requires framework app build on MacOSX backend
+ Figure, FigureCanvas, and Backends
* Figure.frameon is now a direct proxy for the Figure patch visibility state
* *pil_kwargs* argument added to savefig
* Add ``inaxes`` method to `.FigureCanvasBase`
* cairo backend defaults to pycairo instead of cairocffi
+ Axes and Artists
* axes_grid1 and axisartist Axes no longer draw spines twice
* Return type of ArtistInspector.get_aliases changed
* `.ConnectionPatch` accepts arbitrary transforms
* mplot3d Line3D now allows {set,get}_data_3d
* ``Axes3D.voxels`` now shades the resulting voxels
+ Axis and Ticks
* Added `.Axis.get_inverted` and `.Axis.set_inverted`
* Adjust default minor tick spacing
* `.EngFormatter` now accepts `usetex`, `useMathText` as keyword only arguments
+ Animation and Interactivity
* Support for forward/backward mouse buttons
* *progress_callback* argument to `~.Animation.save()`
* Add ``cache_frame_data`` keyword-only argument into `.animation.FuncAnimation`
* Endless Looping GIFs with PillowWriter
* Adjusted `.matplotlib.widgets.Slider` to have vertical orientation
* Improved formatting of image values under cursor when a colorbar is present
* MouseEvent button attribute is now an IntEnum
+ Configuration, Install, and Development
* The MATPLOTLIBRC environment variable can now point to any "file" path
* Allow LaTeX code ``pgf.preamble`` and ``text.latex.preamble`` in MATPLOTLIBRC file
* New logging API
- Switch to upstream-recommended python-cairo instead of
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/703996
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-matplotlib?expand=0&rev=15
update without running spec-cleaner, so hopefully everything should be OK
- update to version 3.0.2:
* Un-breaks basemap which was broken by partially restoring private
APIs for cartopy.
* Fixes bug in warning code when used in an embedded context.
* Fixes crash when using Tk and closing the first open window before
showing it
* Many documentation improvements.
* Restore a corner case on ColorBar tick usage.
* Change the default behavior of `matplotlib.use` to silently allow
more 'safe' switching after auto-discovery, but before starting an
event loop.
* Improvements to bounding box calculations.
* Provide the correct length for RcParams instances.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/651236
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-matplotlib?expand=0&rev=9
- Update to version 3.0.1
* Fix failure to import bug when on Python 3.6.7 and 3.7.1
* Fixed a number of failure to import bugs around finding fonts
* Fix Qt4 backend
* Fix bug on OSX that recursively searched current directory for fonts
* Fix bouncing-rocket on OSX when doing backend fallback and not
selecting OSX
* Temporarily restore several private APIs to unbreak cartopy
* Make pyplot more tolerant of varying signatures in 3rd-party
* Improve datetime64 unit handling
* Fixed several poor interactions with tight_layout
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/644950
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-matplotlib?expand=0&rev=7
- Update to version 3.0.0
* Improved default backend selection
* Cyclic colormaps
* Ability to scale axis by a fixed order of magnitude
* Add AnchoredDirectionArrows feature to mpl_toolkits
* Add minorticks_on()/off() methods for colorbar
* Colorbar ticks can now be automatic
* Don't automatically rename duplicate file names
* Legend now has a *title_fontsize* kwarg (and rcParam)
* Support for axes.prop_cycle property *markevery* in rcParams
* Multipage PDF support for pgf backend
* Pie charts are now circular by default
* Add ax.get_gridspec to .SubplotBase
* Axes titles will no longer overlap xaxis
* New convenience methods for GridSpec
* Figure has an ~.figure.Figure.add_artist method
* math directive renamed to mathmpl
- Python 2 support was dropped upstream, so disable it in the spec
file and drop python2-specific parts.
- Enable wx backend for python 3, since python 3 is now supported
by wxPython upstream.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/636487
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-matplotlib?expand=0&rev=5