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No commits in common. "factory" and "factory" have entirely different histories.

4 changed files with 7 additions and 319 deletions

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:28ffd94bb9894daddef6cfcb167c78aa7bfb0bd39b22bc3f6db37950273923bf
size 3009610

pydantic-2.8.0.tar.gz Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:258c07f1b36b4840577fba9ad8ace243f3fb787c9619c003896b86cfeb519c06
size 2788643

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@ -1,313 +1,3 @@
Fri Jan 24 15:21:26 UTC 2025 - ecsos <>
- Update to 2.10.6
* Fixes
- Fix JSON Schema reference collection with 'examples' keys by @Viicos in #11325
- Fix url python serialization by @sydney-runkle in #11331
- Changes from 2.10.5
* Fixes
- Remove custom MRO implementation of Pydantic models by @Viicos in #11184
- Fix URL serialization for unions by @sydney-runkle in #11233
- Changes from 2.10.4
* Packaging
- Bump pydantic-core to v2.27.2 by @davidhewitt in #11138
* Fixes
- Fix for comparison of AnyUrl objects by @alexprabhat99 in #11082
- Properly fetch PEP 695 type params for functions, do not fetch annotations from signature by @Viicos in #11093
- Include JSON Schema input core schema in function schemas by @Viicos in #11085
- Add len to _BaseUrl to avoid TypeError by @Kharianne in #11111
- Make sure the type reference is removed from the seen references by @Viicos in #11143
- Changes from 2.10.3
* Fixes
- Set fields when defer_build is set on Pydantic dataclasses by @Viicos in #10984
- Do not resolve the JSON Schema reference for dict core schema keys by @Viicos in #10989
- Use the globals of the function when evaluating the return type for PlainSerializer and WrapSerializer functions by @Viicos in #11008
- Fix host required enforcement for urls to be compatible with v2.9 behavior by @sydney-runkle in #11027
- Add a default_factory_takes_validated_data property to FieldInfo by @Viicos in #11034
- Fix url json schema in serialization mode by @sydney-runkle in #11035
- Changes from 2.10.2
* Fixes
- Only evaluate FieldInfo annotations if required during schema building by @Viicos in #10769
- Do not evaluate annotations for private fields by @Viicos in #10962
- Support serialization as any for Secret types and Url types by @sydney-runkle in #10947
- Fix type hint of Field.default to be compatible with Python 3.8 and 3.9 by @Viicos in #10972
- Add hashing support for URL types by @sydney-runkle in #10975
- Hide BaseModel.__replace__ definition from type checkers by @Viicos in 10979
- Changes from 2.10.1
* Packaging
- Bump pydantic-core version to v2.27.1 by @sydney-runkle in #10938
* Fixes
- Use the correct frame when instantiating a parametrized TypeAdapter by @Viicos in #10893
- Relax check for validated data in default_factory utils by @sydney-runkle in #10909
- Fix type checking issue with model_fields and model_computed_fields by @sydney-runkle in #10911
- Use the parent configuration during schema generation for stdlib dataclasses by @sydney-runkle in #10928
- Use the globals of the function when evaluating the return type of serializers and computed_fields by @Viicos in #10929
- Fix URL constraint application by @sydney-runkle in #10922
- Fix URL equality with different validation methods by @sydney-runkle in #10934
- Fix JSON schema title when specified as '' by @sydney-runkle in #10936
- Fix python mode serialization for complex inference by @sydney-runkle in pydantic-core#1549
- Changes from 2.10.0
* Packaging
- Bump pydantic-core to v2.27.0 by @sydney-runkle in #10825
- Replaced pdm with uv by @frfahim in #10727
* New Features
- Support fractions.Fraction by @sydney-runkle in #10318
- Support Hashable for json validation by @sydney-runkle in #10324
- Add a SocketPath type for linux systems by @theunkn0wn1 in #10378
- Allow arbitrary refs in JSON schema examples by @sydney-runkle in #10417
- Support defer_build for Pydantic dataclasses by @Viicos in #10313
- Adding v1 / v2 incompatibility warning for nested v1 model by @sydney-runkle in #10431
- Add support for unpacked TypedDict to type hint variadic keyword arguments with @validate_call by @Viicos in #10416
- Support compiled patterns in protected_namespaces by @sydney-runkle in #10522
- Add support for propertyNames in JSON schema by @FlorianSW in #10478
- Adding __replace__ protocol for Python 3.13+ support by @sydney-runkle in #10596
- Expose public sort method for JSON schema generation by @sydney-runkle in #10595
- Add runtime validation of @validate_call callable argument by @kc0506 in #10627
- Add experimental_allow_partial support by @samuelcolvin in #10748
- Support default factories taking validated data as an argument by @Viicos in #10678
- Allow subclassing ValidationError and PydanticCustomError by @Youssefares in pydantic/pydantic-core#1413
- Add trailing-strings support to experimental_allow_partial by @sydney-runkle in #10825
- Add rebuild() method for TypeAdapter and simplify defer_build patterns by @sydney-runkle in #10537
- Improve TypeAdapter instance repr by @sydney-runkle in #10872
* Changes
- Don't allow customization of SchemaGenerator until interface is more stable by @sydney-runkle in #10303
- Cleanly defer_build on TypeAdapters, removing experimental flag by @sydney-runkle in #10329
- Fix mro of generic subclass by @kc0506 in #10100
- Strip whitespaces on JSON Schema title generation by @sydney-runkle in #10404
- Use b64decode and b64encode for Base64Bytes type by @sydney-runkle in #10486
- Relax protected namespace config default by @sydney-runkle in #10441
- Revalidate parametrized generics if instance's origin is subclass of OG class by @sydney-runkle in #10666
- Warn if configuration is specified on the @dataclass decorator and with the __pydantic_config__ attribute by @sydney-runkle in #10406
- Recommend against using Ellipsis (...) with Field by @Viicos in #10661
- Migrate to subclassing instead of annotated approach for pydantic url types by @sydney-runkle in #10662
- Change JSON schema generation of Literals and Enums by @Viicos in #10692
- Simplify unions involving Any or Never when replacing type variables by @Viicos in #10338
- Do not require padding when decoding base64 bytes by @bschoenmaeckers in pydantic/pydantic-core#1448
- Support dates all the way to 1BC by @changhc in pydantic/speedate#77
* Performance
- Schema cleaning: skip unnecessary copies during schema walking by @Viicos in #10286
- Refactor namespace logic for annotations evaluation by @Viicos in #10530
- Improve email regexp on edge cases by @AlekseyLobanov in #10601
- CoreMetadata refactor with an emphasis on documentation, schema build time performance, and reducing complexity by @sydney-runkle in #10675
* Fixes
- Remove guarding check on computed_field with field_serializer by @nix010 in #10390
- Fix Predicate issue in v2.9.0 by @sydney-runkle in #10321
- Fixing annotated-types bound by @sydney-runkle in #10327
- Turn tzdata install requirement into optional timezone dependency by @jakob-keller in #10331
- Use correct types namespace when building namedtuple core schemas by @Viicos in #10337
- Fix evaluation of stringified annotations during namespace inspection by @Viicos in #10347
- Fix IncEx type alias definition by @Viicos in #10339
- Do not error when trying to evaluate annotations of private attributes by @Viicos in #10358
- Fix nested type statement by @kc0506 in #10369
- Improve typing of ModelMetaclass.mro by @Viicos in #10372
- Fix class access of deprecated computed_fields by @Viicos in #10391
- Make sure inspect.iscoroutinefunction works on coroutines decorated with @validate_call by @MovisLi in #10374
- Fix NameError when using validate_call with PEP 695 on a class by @kc0506 in #10380
- Fix ZoneInfo with various invalid types by @sydney-runkle in #10408
- Fix PydanticUserError on empty model_config with annotations by @cdwilson in #10412
- Fix variance issue in _IncEx type alias, only allow True by @Viicos in #10414
- Fix serialization schema generation when using PlainValidator by @Viicos in #10427
- Fix schema generation error when serialization schema holds references by @Viicos in #10444
- Inline references if possible when generating schema for json_schema_input_type by @Viicos in #10439
- Fix recursive arguments in Representation by @Viicos in #10480
- Fix representation for builtin function types by @kschwab in #10479
- Add python validators for decimal constraints (max_digits and decimal_places) by @sydney-runkle in #10506
- Only fetch __pydantic_core_schema__ from the current class during schema generation by @Viicos in #10518
- Fix stacklevel on deprecation warnings for BaseModel by @sydney-runkle in #10520
- Fix warning stacklevel in BaseModel.__init__ by @Viicos in #10526
- Improve error handling for in-evaluable refs for discriminator application by @sydney-runkle in #10440
- Change the signature of ConfigWrapper.core_config to take the title directly by @Viicos in #10562
- Do not use the previous config from the stack for dataclasses without config by @Viicos in #10576
- Fix serialization for IP types with mode='python' by @sydney-runkle in #10594
- Support constraint application for Base64Etc types by @sydney-runkle in #10584
- Fix validate_call ignoring Field in Annotated by @kc0506 in #10610
- Raise an error when Self is invalid by @kc0506 in #10609
- Using core_schema.InvalidSchema instead of metadata injection + checks by @sydney-runkle in [#1...
Wed Oct 2 22:06:18 UTC 2024 - Meera Belur <>
- update to 2.9.2.
* history updates
* v bump
* Fix `ZoneInfo` with various invalid types
* Fix variance issue in `_IncEx` type alias, only allow `True`
* Fix serialization schema generation when using `PlainValidator`
* Adding notes on designing callable discriminators
* Do not error when trying to evaluate annotations of private attributes
* bump
* Fix evaluation of stringified annotations during namespace inspection
* Use correct types namespace when building namedtuple core schemas
* Fix `IncEx` type alias definition
* Turn `tzdata` install requirement into optional `timezone` dependency
* Fixing `annotated-types` bound
* Fix `Predicate` issue in `v2.9.0`
* Prep for v2.9 release
* Fix lifecycle docs formatting
* Add schema generation benchmarks for models with custom serializers
* Add link for complex docs
* Respect `schema_generator` config value in `TypeAdapter`
* Ensure `__pydantic_complete__` is set when rebuilding dataclasses
* Try fix for `coverage` with hidden files
* Ensure coverage data artifact is correctly uploaded
* Support signature for wrap validators without `info`
* Reformat + add some benchmarks for annotated validators
* 👥 Update Pydantic People
* Fix typo in `orgs.toml`
* Add benchmarks for schema generation with custom validators
* Bump to `v2.9.0b2`
* Reorganize types ns functions
* Add in Hyperlint Base Style Guide + Spellcheck Configurations
* Bump `pydantic-core` to `v2.23.1` and other minor v bumps
* Use identity instead of equality after validating model in `__init__`
* Update ns stack with already copied ns
* Remove defaults filter for namespace
* Improve concepts documentation related to models
* Add benchmarks for direct model instantiation
* Fix parent namespace issue with model rebuilds
* Raise helpful warning when `self` isn't returned from model validator
* Fix typos
* Minor reorganization of benchmarks
* Add comment reflecting unexpected union cache behavior that affects validation order
* Update release tweet to encourage usage for beta versions
* Add benchmarks for categories: serialization, validation and schema generation
* Fix a crash when cleaning the namespace in `ModelMetaclass`
* Fix warnings assertions to use `pytest.warns
* Prep for v2.9.0b1 release
* Add support for annotated_types.Not
* Add 'wss' for allowed schemes in NatsDsn
* Add missing imports in documentation example
* Bump `v1` version stub to `v1.10.18`
* Use `pppr` for insiders install
* Apply misc. improvements to "Get started" documentation
* Allow validators to customize validation JSON schema
* Update `mkdocs-material` to `9.5.31`
* Update and clean up several aspects of documentation tooling
* Fix key error with custom serializer
* Remove `initial_metadata` from internal metadata construct
* Remove unused environment variables in CI
* Make sure generated JSON Schemas are valid in tests
* Fix invalid JSON Schemas being generated for functions in certain scenarios
* Breaking Change: Fix JSON Schema generation for constrained dates
* Deprecate passing a dict to the `Examples` class
* Remove `typed_dict_cls` data from `CoreMetadata`
* Fix JSON Schema generation of fields with plain validators in serialization mode
* Fix JSON Schema `number` type for literal and enum schemas
* Remove docs about pydantic plugins
* Allow `WithJsonSchema` to inject `$ref`s w/ `http` or `https` links
* Improve runtime errors for string constraints like `pattern` for incompatible types
* Add support for stringified annotations when using `PrivateAttr` with `Annotated`
* Fix core schema simplification when serialization schemas are involved in specific scenarios
* Reorganize `BaseModel` annotations
* Support PDM `v2.18.1`
* Support complex number
* Add initial architeture documentation
* Handle `nullable` schemas with `serialization` schema available during JSON Schema generation
* Blacklist default globals to support exotic user code with `__` prefixed annotations
* Fix `ImportString` special cases
* Add dsn for Snowflake
* Temporary: cap `pdm` version for `mypy` tests
* Temporary: use `pdm` v2.17.3 to unblock CI failures
* Performance boost: skip caching parent namespaces in most cases
* Do not compute JSON Schema default when plain serializers are used with `when_used` set to `'json-unless-none'` and the default value is `None`
* Add warning for double `frozen` config setting on dataclass
* Revert "Experimental feature: opt-in fast build
* Remove default module globals from types namespace
* Docs update and warning frozen defined both
* Fix ip schema serialization logic
* Improve documentation of the `@computed_field` decorator
* Improve `pyright` tests, refactor model decorators signatures
* Update tests for changes to core
* Fix `PydanticDeprecatedSince26.since` argument
* Use `is_annotated` consistently
* Adding tests for TODO union serialization fixes
* Update `griffe_doclinks` plugin and misc. docs improvements
* Remove allOf JSON schema workarounds
* Remove logic to handle unused `__get_pydantic_core_schema__` signature
* Fix `frozen` enforcement for dataclasses
* Experimental feature: opt-in fast build
* Docs update for ``
* Fix evaluation of `__pydantic_extra__` annotation in specific circumstances
* Removing old typing function
* Simplify internal generics logic - remove generator overhead
* Minor speedup / cleanup for internal `FieldInfo` functions
* Bump `pydantic-core` to v2.21.0
* Raise a better user error when failing to evaluate a forward reference
* Add `Config.val_json_bytes`
* Enable more lint rules
* Clarify `model_serializer
* Fix `Mapping` and `MutableMapping` annotations to use mapping schema instead of dict schema
* Bump CodSpeedHQ/action from 2 to 3
* Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 3 to 6
* Move `import_module` import in `__getattr__`
* Refactor application of deque annotations
* Using cached internal import for `BaseModel`
* 👥 Update Pydantic People
* Initial start at improving import times for modules, using caching primarily
* Add import / isinstance benchmarks
* Move annotation compatibility errors to validation phase
* Support compatibility with `pdm v2.17.0`
* Apply `strict=True` to `__init__` in mypy plugin
* Fix false positives on v1 models in mypy plugin for from_orm check requiring from_attributes=True config
* Fix typing for `IPvAnyAddress` and `IPvAnyInterface`
* ⚡️ Speed up method `ConfigWrapper.core_config` by 28% in `pydantic/_internal/`
* ⚡️ Speed up function `apply_each_item_validators` by 100% in `pydantic/_internal/`
* Refactor annotation injection for known
* Fix Sequence ignoring discriminator
* chore: fix entry in `.gitignore` to let `make format` work correctly
* Move `decimal.Decimal` validation to ``
* Move date schemas to ``
* Simplify schema generation for uuid, url, and ip types
* Fix dataclass ignoring default_factory passed in Annotated
* Changed `BaseModel.model_validate_json` raises docstring to mention `ValidationError` instead of `ValueError`
* ⚡️ Speed up method `GenerateSchema._unpack_refs_defs` by 26% in `pydantic/_internal/`
* Move enum schema gen to `` for consistency
* Add class name to "has conflict" warnings
* `Counter` is handled as a mapping, not a sequence, fix `SequenceValidator` accordingly
* Fix type annotations for some potentially generic `GenerateSchema.match_type` options
* Simplify IP address schema in ``
* Fix typo in `invalid-annotated-type` error code
* Fix _field_name_for_signature docstring
* ⚡️ Speed up function `_field_name_for_signature` by 37% in `pydantic/_internal/`
* Add support for `ZoneInfo`
* Fix a typo on Validators doc page
* Adding new schema building benchmark
* Handle frozen fields on a per-field basis
* Allow usage of `type[Annotated[...]]`
* typing: fix recursive typing of `main.IncEnx`
* Fix `ComputedFieldInfo.wrapped_property` pointer when a property setter is assigned
* ⚡️ Speed up `dataclass
* Replace str type annotation with Any in validator factories in documentation on validators
* Fix typing issue with field_validator-decorated methods
* Prevent type error for exotic BaseModel/RootModel inheritance
* ⚡️ Speed up `ModelPrivateAttr.__set_name__
* chore
* ⚡️ Speed up `multiple_of_validator
* Update Typo in Docs Example Simple Fix
* Update changelog to reflect breaking changes regarding PEP 570
* Update history, bump version to alpha on `main`
* Fix issue with assertion caused by pluggable schema validator
* Fix #9706 PathLike with subtype
* Adding coverage comment
* docs: Add documentation for Semantic Version and Timezone Name
* Bump `pydantic-core` to `v2.20.1`, `pydantic-extra-types` to `v2.9.0`
* Remove spooky meetings file
* Pedantic typo correction within explanation of Pydantic's root in 'pedantic' in
* Breaking Change: Merge `dict` type `json_schema_extra`
* Fix list constraint json schema application
* Respect use_enum_values on Literal types
* Bump `ruff` to `v0.5.0` and `pyright` to `v1.1.369`
* Fix breaking change in `to_snake` from v2.7 -> v2.8
* Fix labeler, again
* Hooky - switch to reviewers, labeler, fix ci bug
Fri Sep 27 02:01:34 UTC 2024 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>
- update to 2.8.2.
* Fix issue with assertion caused by pluggable schema validator by @dmontagu in #9838
Mon Jul 1 16:29:01 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# spec file
# spec file for package python-pydantic
# Copyright (c) 2025 SUSE LLC
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# Copyright (c) 2019, Martin Hauke <>
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
Name: python-pydantic%{psuffix}
Version: 2.10.6
Version: 2.8.0
Release: 0
Summary: Data validation and settings management using python type hinting
License: MIT
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ BuildRequires: %{python_module hatch-fancy-pypi-readme}
BuildRequires: %{python_module hatchling}
BuildRequires: %{python_module packaging}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pip}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pydantic-core >= 2.27.2}
BuildRequires: %{python_module wheel}
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros
@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ BuildRequires: %{python_module Faker}
BuildRequires: %{python_module cloudpickle}
BuildRequires: %{python_module dirty-equals}
BuildRequires: %{python_module email-validator >= 2.0}
BuildRequires: %{python_module jsonschema >= 4.23.0 }
BuildRequires: %{python_module pydantic = %{version}}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest-benchmark}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest-examples}
@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ Requires: python-annotated-types >= 0.4.0
%if 0%{?python_version_nodots} < 310
Requires: python-eval-type-backport
Requires: python-pydantic-core >= 2.27.2
Requires: python-pydantic-core = 2.20.0
Requires: python-typing-extensions >= 4.6.1
BuildArch: noarch