Fixed the following bugs:
- Ticket#69: Improve Space Between Formal Titles and Verbatim Text
- Ticket#58: SUSE Branding: Quick Start Layout (I)
- Ticket#59: SUSE Branding: Quick Start Layout (II)
- Ticket#34: SUSE Branding: Stylesheets produce invalid HTML 4.01
- bnc#703489: FOP: Problems with Tables (reported upstream)
- bnc#706459: FOP: Distance Between Page Number and Left/Right Footer
- bnc#706464: FOP: Space Between Figure/Procedure XYZ and Title
- bnc#706475: FOP: Some Issues with Callouts
- bnc#706479: FOP: Line Break in <ulink> Elements
- bnc#708637: HTML: susedoc/daps stylesheets produce invalid HTML 4.01
Transitional (Moved to Ticket#68)
* Bugfixes:
- fixed SGML catalog entry generation when updating the package
- fixed path to admon graphics in fo stylesheets
- added svg admonition graphics for fo builds
- Fixed empty fo:table-cell with fo:block to make FOP happy
- Added missing booktitlepage.color.logo parameter to fo
- Renamed obsolete dtdroot to styleroot in fo stylesheets
- fixed broken callout generation for XEP and FOP
* Added more flexibilty to flyer layout: headline url can now
be set per suse-quickstart pi with attribute url