Stable release of the SUSE XSL stylesheets 2.0.6:
Find issues in our GitHub tracker at
* Schema
- Completely removed schemas from SUSE XSL Stylesheets: Schemas
can now be found at
* SUSE Word List for aspell
- Added more words, many of which were found in SUSE release
* Stylesheets (PDF)
- Allow disabling secondary branding (Geeko Tail) via parameter:
* Stylesheets (XHTML)
- Added syntax highlighting for screens
- To enable, add language="..." to your screen
- Recognized languages are: bash, c++, css, diff, html, xml,
http, ini, json, java, javascript, makefile, nginx, php,
perl, python, ruby, sql, crmsh, dockerfile, lisp, yaml
- Report Bug Links: Fixed ampersands in Bugzilla URLs
- Report Bug Links: Fixed JavaScript responsible for GitHub labels
* Common Stylesheet Changes
- Fixed a number of L10N issues in CJK and European languages
(suse-xsl #218, suse-xsl #51, suse-xsl #200, suse-xsl #82,
suse-xsl #87, suse-xsl #79)
- Reverted back to VERSION.xsl as used by upstream for
- Improved screen trimming behavior to fix screens that contain
whitespace at beginning and end
* Packaging
- Added more fonts to requires to avoid broken foreign-language
PDF builds in the build service
- Removed mentions of schemas from spec file (see top)
Find issues in our GitHub tracker at
* Schema
- Add flat SUSEDoc schema for RNC and RNG
- Fix NovDoc/DB4 incompatibility: Phrase is only allowed in
productname, but not in productnumber
* Spelling
- Fix trailing whitespace
* Stylesheets (PDF)
- Added missing procedure, itemizedlist, and orderedlist for
intra.title.markup mode (suse-xsl #162, ec0cb3d6)
- Fix Ulink/Link template for DB 5
- Specifically check for @role='abbrev'
- Fix for vertical spaces on nested lists (#221)
- Question and answers
- Make an answer closer to a question
- Make consistent use of sans-stack for questions
- Use all paras in question consistently
- Italic for question label and first para (#200)
- Clean up web links
- Specifically check for @role='abbrev'
- Fix Ulink/Link template for DB 5
* Stylesheets (XHTML)
- Add GitHub URL in titlepage of book and article (suse-xsl #35)
- Fix functionality of "dm:version"
- xref handling
- Improve xref and template
- Fix xref resolution when $rootid is empty
New Features:
* support for DocBook5 - the xsl-ns variants are located in the following
- /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/daps2013-ns
- /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/opensuse2013-ns
- /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/suse-ns
- /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/suse2013-ns
* the DocBook5 variants are automatically generated with a slghtly adopted
version of xslns-build from upstream
* SUSE aspell dictionary was moved from DAPS to this package; wordlist
was updated
* started a NovDoc version for DocBook 5: susedoc5
* language fixes for Chinese, Korean, and Japanese
* Fixed issue #29: Make Parameter runinhead.default.title.end.punct
L10N Compatible
* Fixed sf-issue #246 Allow More Information in Side Regions When in Draft Mode
* Fixed sf-issue #243 Support Sorting of Acronym in Glossaries in HTML
* Fixed sf-issue #241: Allow dir attribute in Novdoc DTD
* Fixed bold.replacement.color and italic.replacement.color parameter for XEP
* Fix for guimenus: Use 'inherit' instead of 'transparent' as this value
seems not supported by XEP.
* Novdoc: Missing remap for ulink added
Version 2.0 RC1:
- 2013 stylesheets
+ all: use simpler version.xsl file
+ all: more useful output for ulinks that only have a space character
in them
+ PDF output: allow manual page breaks via <?pdfpagebreak?>
+ PDF output: left-align text in table of content and titles of formal
+ PDF output: unclutter tables of content a little by limiting
+ PDF output: fix font scaling in xrefs
+ PDF output: improve page-break behavior of lists
+ PDF output: better overflow handling for the footer
+ PDF output: mention all appendixes in the table of contents
+ HTML output: use (correctly-scaled) Geeko as openSUSE logo
- 2005 stylesheets
+ all: add version.xsl file
+ PDF output: allow manual page breaks via <?pdfpagebreak?>
- Update TAR archive to 2.0 beta 6 (r4127)
- 2005 stylesheets
- 2013 stylesheets
+ PDF output: keep admonitions together
+ PDF output: better display of <author/>s directly within
+ PDF output: allow <formalpara/> to use arch attributes, better
formatting for <formalpara/>
+ PDF/HTML output: in <xref/>, print name of book only once
+ PDF output: fix headline style in articles
+ PDF output: fix table of contents to correctly display
+ HTML output: use more independent variants of new stylesheets
that allow for separate styleroots
+ HTML output: add an openSUSE style
- Novdoc:
+ add <releaseinfo/> tag
- Stylesheets 2013:
* Improvements for monospace handling in HTML and FO
* FO: use sans-serif font for formalpara titles
* FO: fixed ambigious template matches
* HTML: Improvements for print output
* Bugfixes:
o ticket #210: PDF Output of Articles: Publication Date Missing
- Stylesheets 2005:
* fixed an issue that caused a recursion when building HTML
- Nocdoc
* New elements:
o blockquote — A quotation set off from the main text
o email
o highlights — A summary of the main points of the discussed component
o literallayout — A block of text in which line breaks and white
space are to be reproduced faithfully
o uri — A Uniform Resource Identifier
* Changed Content Models
o article:
allow optional titleabbrev (useful for TOCs)
allow abstract or highlights after article "header"
allow optional simplelist after article header
o entry:
allow optional literallayout
o textobject
Added #PCDATA (normal text) in addition to phrase
o refmeta
added zero or more refmiscinfo
o refnamediv
Added uri
o prompt, systemitem, varname
allow replaceable
* Changed List of Attributes
o Mostly non-intrusive and optional role and remap attributes
- Switch to the new layout as the default layout (release is
synchronized with the DAPS 2.0~beta1 release)
* new layout (default): suse/xslt2013
old layout: suse/xslt2005
* major improvements for FO stylesheets, among them
- fixed hyphenation of verbatim areas in FOP output
- fixed spacing of paragraphs in calloutlists
- better separator for guimenu elements in menuchoice elements
- make sure section elements appear in table of contents
- create titlepage for article elements
* several improvements for HTML:
- now uses fonts hosted on
- draft mode gets a button for reporting bugs
(opens a pre-filled bug entry containing the headline and ID
of the part in the document on
- adjustments for Chrome and mobile devices
- create valid XHTML 1.0 output in Qandasets
- Bugfixes:
* ticket #151: Detect DocBook XSL Stylesheet Version in daps
* ticket #163: JSP Stylesheets fail with saxon6
* ticket #176: (Add DAPS "Advertisement")
* ticket #184: (xref pointing to an element that contains a URL)
* ticket #190: HTML: Hyphenation of Product Names
* ticket #196: EPUB does not build with saxon
- novdoc:
- new attribute role="user|root" for screens
- disallow <productname> inside para
- first draft of a DocBook5 compatible novdoc schema
- Updated releasenotes stylesheet
- Created special stylesheets for Drupal output
- Lots of updates for the new SUSE HTML layout
* FO
- Fixed ticket#152; support <?dbtimestamp?> PI
* Common
- Prepared Arabic localized text to fix [#153], not finished yet
- Corrected guimenustartquote and guimenuendquote for Japanese
- Used revision 9739 from original stylesheet
- Changed preferred.mediaobject.role to "html"; added parameters for callouts
* Novdoc
- Updated RNC from DTD
- Added URL for source0 to fix
- docbook-xsl-stylesheets >= 1.77 are required
- Added obsoletes for susedoc with version 4.3.99 (last version in Factory was 4.3.33)
* FO:
- Fixed reference to qandaentrys or question (DocBook only)
* Common:
- Added the word "Question"/"question" to all language files
(needed when linking to qandaentrys or questions elements)
* SPEC file
Move Name and Version keywords before our attention block
(seems to be removed accidently)
* Schema
- qandaset are included in a section; that means, no title in qandaset
is useful
- qandadiv can still contain a title, but it contains only qandaentrys
- question must always start with a para; after this para other
elements are allowed
- qandaentry requires one question and one answer in this order
SPEC file:
* Used font requirements from daps.spec; see ticket#116