* provide command completion for expl3 commands
* hide grammar errors in math/non-text environments (word repetition and
language tool)
* hide spelling errors in picture envs like tikzpicture
* better handle \newtcbox gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3878
* fix rare crash gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3936
* repair user macro trigger (?highlight-as:…), still not usable for math
env detection
* add new user macro trigger (?inEnv:…)
* add Grid menu to windowed and embedded pdf-viewer’s context menu
* fix pdf-viewer’s scrollbar with Fit to Width/Window and changing
Continuous mode gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3928
* fix pdf-viewer’s Custom Grid dialog not preset with current Grid settings
in Continuous mode gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3929
* fix pfd-viewer’s page display in non continuous mode 3952
* fix pdf-viewer has a small issue when activating single page step 3957
* add maximize button to Packages Help (Texdoc) dialog
* fix option ‘all packages’ no longer checked in Packages Help with no tex
documents opened gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3917
* when context menu of a package name is used to open the Packages Help
dialog then preset search filter with the name gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3918
* fix both View menu actions ‘Show embedded PDF large/small’ available,
whether PDF area is large or small gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3931
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=89
* fix false delimiter mismatch marker which gets stuck under certain
circumstances gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#489
* fix label stop working when using subfigure package
* fix ai wizard conversation history gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3820
* fix colspec parsing gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3831
* fix user command handling in cached files gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3828
* fix label detection on memoir class gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3829
* fix crash when %Tex root document was not found
* class are used for completion in documentclass
* class names are not used anymore for package name completion
* local packages can provide local cwl files, see manual
* fix handling of user definition commands in subfiles
* fix crash in preview tooltip if no pdflatex is defined
* handle special columntypes (m[l],NiceMatrix) better
* handle key/val completion in frame environment better
* fix caching of newly defined colornames
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=87
* use argument position to assign argument type (fixes some issues concerning keyval arguments)
* fix activation of keyvals for completion when new packages are used
* improved table manipulation when multiline arguments are used
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=83
- Update to 4.8.1
* allow hiding of sidepanel docks via view/show
* reduce number on visible dock on OSX due to qt osx style weakness
* fix raised dock after hiding/showing sidepanel
* fallback to simple syntax highligting when tooltip background differs from
general background gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3644
* fix structure view context on sections gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3642
* fix black background on comboxes with windows11 style (qt6.7.1)
- Update to 4.8.0
* AI chat assistant added
* use moveable/splitable docks for sidepanel
* extended search can now also search in all files in one folder
* add basic syntax highlighting for latex3 code
* fix handling CJK characters in pdf on OSX gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3558
* fix rare crash gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3556
* reload hidden docs when user chooses to discard changes
- Update to 4.7.3
* First line of macro editor no longer uses macro type, use buttons to set
type. Macro format changes slightly.
For details s. gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3458
* add export of all macros in Edit Macros dialog
* macro editor now executes normal and environment macros in addition to
script macros gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3444
* macro editor with better button arrangement gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3451
* copy data from all issues in the messages pane (log) to clipboard
* insert graphics wizard opens position details without changing position or
size of ui elements located above position details
* improved Package Help dialog
gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3478, gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3497
* fix missing connection error message when browsing macro repository
* fix switching (by clicking) between documents
* fix “Show all open documents in this tree” gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3476
* fix handling a new file created from the context menu
* small fixes
- Update to 4.7.2
* remove something (alt+del) handles matching delimiters
* fix detecting parent/child documents when autoloading is disabled
* fix completion of user constructs like a_b gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3403
* fix navigating in subfiles gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3404
* fix duplicate shortcut in ‘Additional Shortcut’ column is not removed
* fix wrong cursor, scaling, settings in pdf viewer when switching window
mode gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3426 gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3428 …
- Update to 4.7.1
* fix highlighting of %TODO comments after loading a file
* fix missing document height update when copy wrapped single lines
- Update to 4.7.0
* remove auto inserted closing parenthesis if the opening one is removed
via backspace
* optimize internal parsing
* TeXdoc dialog now shows (optionally all) packages as a searchable list.
A new button opens the CTAN package documentation online.
(gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3259, gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3270, …)
* fix inputting accented characters on OSX
* handle keyval with spaces better gh#texstudio-org/texstudio#3362
* save some memory by reading thesaurus database only when needed the
first time
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1186901
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=79
- Update to 4.6.3
* improved handling of active packages when loading included files
* better detection that a screen is not active any more and move
window onto active screen
* Cancel button of dialog for inserting label references now inserts
nothing, but you can still add an empty reference when needed (#3230)
- Update to 4.6.2
* fix crash
- Update to 4.6.1
* fix wrong path for saving cache information (#3225)
* allow delimiter operations on $ math sections
- Update to 4.6.0
* use subfiles root for compilation if the current document is a child
* load the complete subfile project to provide proper syntax checking,
also when just opening a subfile root
* cache structure/labels/usercommands/packages for faster reload of
large projects (optional) (ef0ab75)
* add support for alignedat environment in QuickArray Wizard (#2921)
* add a Lorem Ipsum generator to the Random Text Generator
dialog (#3102)
* change default windows style for new installs to Fusion instead
of modern-dark, in case system darkmode is detected (ad0fc44)
* improve some details and fix issues of the Quick Start
wizard (#2901, #3153, #3150, #3157)
* improve some details of the Edit Macros dialog (#3130)
* The link to the TeXstudio homepage is now at the top of the About
dialog (Help menu) and the number of the latest stable version is
also displayed (#3146)
* option Disable horizontal scrolling for “Fit to Text Width” now
affects horizontal scrolling with mousepad and scroll wheel (#1526)
* fix editor moving last line of a selection when selection ends
at start of a line (#3131)
* fix some icon issues on OSX (#3100,#3104)
* basic support for tblr colspec
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1108882
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=77
- Update to version 4.5.1
* Provide online template repository
* change preview target in IDEFIX menu (#2760)
* use QtMultimedia instead of phonon to show movies in pdf (non-default)
* regex in search panel is syntax checked and marked if wrong
* latex menu for horizontal spacing (#2687)
* config dialog with resizable splitter (#2707)
* insert inline math mode as $$ (#2719)
* add editor action “Move all (others) to other view” (#2713)
* show macro name in completer list (#2679)
* show macro trigger and shortcut in configuration window (#2635)
* fix wrong side panel title when changing grid size in config (#2743)
* preview/clear preview now use position of context menu as reference (#2794)
* add a Package Tab to the QuickStart Wizard (#2831)
* Editor option ‘Show Only Monospaced Fonts’ is now persistent (#788)
* fix size of config dialog on low res screens (#995)
* add script command loadManagedMenu, s. new section “Menu Definitions” in the manual (#2816)
* switch to pointer cursor over bookmark column of editors (#2220)
* add shadow option for rectangular magnifier in pdf viewer config (#2885)
* in split view mode add editor to split view where current editor is (#2838)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1067171
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=73
- Update to version 4.3.1
* fix loading files various times if relative path is used for \include (#2533)
* fix custom verbatim highlighting (#2528)
* fix label highlighting (#2512)
- Update to version 4.3.0
* show most used command at first place in completer
* more cwls
* get position into clipboard in pdf on ctrl+shift+click (#2623)
* copy/paste table content into table/matrix wizard
* move to next/previous word now stops at every delimiter (no skip over several brackets) #2311
* build qt6/win for win10+
* small bug fixes
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/999499
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=65
- Update to version 4.2.3
* fix unable to save under special circumstances (#2124)
* fix stuck to save unsaved document (only in explicit root mode and with a new unsaved document,#2153)
* xindex engine added
* fix math highlighting in keyvals (#2138)
* add context menu in embbeded pdf viewer to invert pdf colors
* remember window state (maximized/normal) of config dialog
* fix (and speed-up) miktex package detection
* fix handling apostrophed words better in spellchecker (#2179)
* regular expression in extended search behave the same as in normal search
* more cwls
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/970521
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=63
- Update to version 4.0.0
* adapt to Qt6/poppler-qt6
* OSX/win build provided with Qt6
* remodel structure handling in order to avoid (rare) crashes
* more and updated completion word lists thanks to mbertucci47
* handle text (e.g. \text{text}) in mathenv as text with spell checking
* performance improvement for large files with large number of labels and/or large number of includes
* fix that search options are persistant
* automatic structure scrolling can be turned off (#1742)
* some bug fixes
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/921952
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=55
- Disable crash handler on s390x to fix build error
- Update to version 3.1.2
* completed global TOC (background color coded, can be adjusted in config)
* fontawesome5 symbol pane
* another dark theme style (Orion Dark)
* slightly modernised windows installer
* smaller windows binaries
* fix menu changes by user
* fix root document detection when symbolic links of symbolic links are involved (#1505)
* fix disabled parentheses autocompletion after certain completer actions (#1347)
* results from styleparser gets immediately updated
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/893512
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=53
- Update to version 3.1.1
* fix crashes concerning opening included files
* let global TOC update as you type
- Update to version 3.1.0
* fix changing GUI language
* global TOC added which needs to be updated for now (WIP)
- Update to version 3.0.5
* fix crash when deleting all elements of a build chain (#1415)
* fix large tooltips on win with ADWAITA style
* number of pdf rendering threads limited to 8 (or to set value, see #1463)
* add command line option --texpath to force a tex path
* fix touchpad scroll in x direction
* fix a seldom crash
* adapt speller dialog to find the same errors as the online checker
* fix replace in global search
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/874431
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/texstudio?expand=0&rev=51