Various bugfixes across the board. The most visible changes
include fixing GLX extension setup under Xwayland and other
non-Xorg servers (enabling core contexts in more scenarios),
and various stability fixes to glamor and the Present extension.
- supersededs the following patches:
* u_randr_allow_rrselectinput_for_providerchange_and_resourcechange_events.patch
* u_CloseConsole-Don-t-report-FatalError-when-shutting-down.patch
- removed evdev xorg.conf.d snippet since it's meanwhile shipped with
evdev driver itself (since version 2.10.0)
- Update to version 1.17.2:
Pick up a pile of fixes from master. Notable highlights:
+ Fix for CVE-2015-3164 in Xwayland
+ Fix int10 setup for vesa
+ Fix regression in server-interpreted auth
+ Fix fb setup on big-endian CPUs
+ Build fix for for gcc5
- Dropped patches:
+ Patch110: u_connection-avoid-crash-when-CloseWellKnownConnections-gets-called-twice.patch
+ Patch113:
+ Patch116: U_os-XDMCP-options-like-query-etc-should-imply-listen.patch
+ Patch118: U_int10-Fix-error-check-for-pci_device_map_legacy.patch
+ Patch119: U_xwayland-enable-access-control-on-open-socket.patch
+ Patch120: U_os-support-new-implicit-local-user-access-mode.patch
+ Patch121: U_xwayland-default-to-local-user-if-no-xauth-file-given.patch
+ Patch2000: U_systemd-logind-filter-out-non-signal-messages-from.patch
+ Patch2001: U_systemd-logind-dont-second-guess-D-Bus-default-tim.patch
- Changed patches to work with the new version:
+ Patch114: u_ad-hoc-fix-for-mmap-s-truncated-offset-parameter-on-.patch
- Update to version 1.17.0:
+ Continued work to strip out stale code and clean up the server.
Thousands of lines of unnecessary code have disappeared yet again.
+ The modesetting driver has been merged into the server code base,
simplifying ongoing maintenance by coupling it to the X server
ABI/API release schedule. This now includes DRI2 support (so that GLX
works correctly) along with Glamor support (which handles DRI3).
+ Lots of Glamor improvements, including a rewrite of the core protocol
rendering functions.
- Remove upstream patches:
+ Patch130: U_BellProc-Send-bell-event-on-core-protocol-bell-when-requested.patch
+ Patch131: U_fb-Fix-invalid-bpp-for-24bit-depth-window.patch
+ Patch200: U_kdrive_extend_screen_option_syntax.patch
+ Patch201: U_ephyr_enable_screen_window_placement.patch
+ Patch202: U_ephyr_add_output_option_support.patch
- Fix present_pixmap when using present_notify_msc
- Fix present_notify to return right away when querying current
or past msc.Xext/shm: Detach SHM segment after Pixmap is released
- xkb: ignore floating slave devices when updating from master (#81885)
- fb: Fix invalid bpp for 24bit depth window
- supersedes U_fb-Fix-invalid-bpp-for-24bit-depth-window.patch
- Update to version 1.16.1:
+ mieq: Fix a crash regression in mieqProcessDeviceEvent
+ ListenOnOpenFD: Remove Resets since this is intended to be for hotplugging connections
+ XQuartz: Better support turning off "Displays have separate Spaces" on OS X Mavericks
+ glamor: Fix temp picture coordinates in glamor_composite_clipped_region
+ glx/present: Only send GLX_BufferSwapComplete for PresentCompleteKindPixmap
+ xfree86: Fallback to first platform device as primary
+ xfree86: Allow non-PCI devices as primary
+ xwayland: always include drm.xml in tarballs
- A better fix for 24bpp graphics problem with cirrus KMS
(bnc#890599); Adding a new patch:
while obsoleting two patches:
- Update to version 1.16.0 (final):
+ Glamor integration. This GL-based X acceleration subsystem now
offers reasonable performance that avoids software fall backs much
of the time.
+ XWayland. This provides an X server integrated into a Wayland
window system. It uses Glamor for rendering, and so avoids most of
the performance problems inherent in window system layering.
+ systemd integration. This provides for systemd-based launching and
management which improves boot performance and reliability
+ Elimination of thousands of compiler warnings. We've been slowly
adding more and more compiler flags to the stock X build to warn us
of unsafe coding practices. Version 1.16 finally addresses the
enormous list of these warnings.
+ Glamor for Xephyr. This X-on-X implementation now serves as the
primary development environment for our new 2D acceleration
subsystem, permitting rapid development and testing on a single
+ Non-PCI device support. Many graphics devices are not enumerated
with the standard PCI APIs; now the X server can auto-detect and
configure them as it does in more conventional systems.
* move SaX2 generated xorg.conf file to xorg.conf.sle11
Only in very rare cases a static X configuration is still
required on sle12. And, in some cases the migration from a
static sle11 X configuration to a static sle12 X configuration
is not possible at all, e.g. some video and input drivers
are no longer available on sle12. In short, trying to migrate
will result in more harm than benefit. (bnc#877315)
* remove dangling link /etc/X11/XF86Config (bnc#879360, comment#15)
* prevent %postun of NVIDIA/fglrx driver packages from
restoring xorg.conf backup or running sax2 as fallback
to create a new xorg.conf (bcn#877315)
* u_connection-avoid-crash-when-CloseWellKnownConnections-gets-called-twice.patch
Fix a crash when CloseWellKnownConnections() gets called twice.
This can happen if FatalError() is called in the shutdown procedure.
* u_CloseConsole-Don-t-report-FatalError-when-shutting-down.patch
Don't call FatalError() on errors in console ioctls when in shutdown.