* New Features:
- parameters for text generation can be set in the config files
via TXT_PARAMS or via --param/--stringparam on the command line
- a change introduced in 2.0 made using the original DocBook
stylesheets for text generation the default. Since this behavior
is confusing and unexpected, it is reverted with this change:
* the stylesheets configured via STYLEROOT or --styleroot are
used by default for text generation
* to ignore _any_ STYLEROOT definitions, set
TXT_IGNORE_STYLEROOT="yes" in the config files or use
--ignore-styleroot on the command line
(daps -d <DC> text --ignore-styleroot)
* Bugfixes:
- Fix for issue #294: xmlcatalog returns file:<PATH> rather than
file://<PATH> on Debian Jessie and openSUSE Tumbleweed and
caused DAPS to fail with DB5 sources
* Misc
- added basic debugging output to test suite (--debug)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=180
* Bugfixes:
- Fix for issue #284 (spellcheck / getimages use wrong filelist
when called with --debug
- "--param" and "--stringparam" were missing for the subcommands
package-pdf and package-html
- all warning messages now go to STDERR, making it possible to
always catch the output of a DAPS command with FOO="$(daps...)
* Misc:
- added a wrapper for jing allwing to customize java flags,
jars, and options
- standardized customising options for all java programs (fop,
jing, xep)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=177
* Bugfixes:
- Fix for issue #274 (PDF Index Building Fails Because of Empty
Profiling Directory)
- fix for issue #275 (Avoid Same Target Names in Different
- fix for issue #276 (PROFILE_URN Detection Depends on Position of PI
in Document)
- fix for issue #277 (Debugging Targets Fail when xml:lang is
not set)
- fix for issue #278 (Avoid Using "LANGUAGE" as a Variable Name)
- fix for issue #280 (Webhelp: Common/ Directory Contains Dead
Symbolic Links)
* New Features:
- added support for profiling attribute "outputformat" by
intrducing PROFOUTPUTFORMAT (issue #279)
* Miscellaneous:
- replaced Chinese font "FZSongTi" with "wqy-microhei" in the
default config file for XEP
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=173
- added support for webhelp
- added support for <xi:include ... parse="text"> (issue #71)
- handling of passing XSLT parameters on the command line has been
improved (issue #263)
- improved handling of doxcuments that do not need to be profiled
- daps_autobuild: changed the order of builds to increase performance
- Bugfix package-src: removed extraneous text
- Bugfix daps_autobuild: in case no rebuild was necessary, rsync
deleted the previous results
- Bugfix DB4 -> DB5 migration: Fixed various issues in the migration
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=171
- supporting rng _and_ rnc schemas for validation with jing
- added a --debug switch and error reporting to daps_autobuild
- moved a --meta related warning so it does not get displayed
when running a *-name subcommand
- fixed a quoting issue in daps-migrate and daps_functions
- fixed an error in the DB4->DB5 migration stylesheet (formatting
was lost on <term> tags)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=169
- replaced daps-auto.pl with daps_autobuild
* uses an XML file as a config file (can be validated with
schema that is also provided)
* supports git _and_ svn repos
- DB5 fix for target productinfo
- locdrop target can now read information about translated files
from in-file tag provided by docmanager
- fixed two issues in the unpack-locdrop target
- fixed stylesheet issues when using saxon as a parser
- Added missing dependency on $(RESULT_DIR) for epub
- bash code cleanup
- Changed default DB5 schema fom docbook.rng to docbookxi.rng
(supports xi:includes)
- Documentation: now covers all 2.0 changes
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=167