- Update to version 1.6.0:
* Fix OpenSSL 1.0 and Cygwin builds.
* hid_linux: fix build on 32-bit systems.
* hid_osx: allow reads from spawned threads.
* Documentation and reliability fixes.
* New API calls:
+ fido_cred_authdata_raw_len;
+ fido_cred_authdata_raw_ptr;
+ fido_cred_sigcount;
+ fido_dev_get_uv_retry_count;
+ fido_dev_supports_credman.
* Hardened Windows build.
* Native FreeBSD and NetBSD support.
* Use CTAP2 canonical CBOR when combining hmac-secret and credProtect.
- Drop 7a17a4e9127fb6df6278f19396760e7d60a5862c.patch
- Do not build examples as their build fails
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/864615
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/security/libfido2?expand=0&rev=37
- Add 7a17a4e9127fb6df6278f19396760e7d60a5862c.patch from upstream
to fix 32bit compilation issues.
- Update to version 1.5.0
* hid_linux: return FIDO_OK if no devices are found.
* hid_osx:
+ repair communication with U2F tokens, gh#166;
+ reliability fixes.
* fido2-{assert,cred}: new options to explicitly toggle UP, UV.
* Support for configurable report lengths.
* New API calls:
+ fido_cbor_info_maxcredcntlst
+ fido_cbor_info_maxcredidlen
+ fido_cred_aaguid_len
+ fido_cred_aaguid_ptr
+ fido_dev_get_touch_begin
+ fido_dev_get_touch_status
* Use COSE_ECDH_ES256 with CTAP_CBOR_CLIENT_PIN; gh#154.
* Allow CTAP messages up to 2048 bytes; gh#171.
* Ensure we only list USB devices by default.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/833322
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/security/libfido2?expand=0&rev=33
- Update to version 1.4.0
* hid_hidapi: hidapi backend; enable with -DUSE_HIDAPI=1.
* Fall back to U2F if the key claims to, but does not support FIDO2.
* FIDO2 credential protection (credprot) support.
* New API calls:
+ fido_cbor_info_fwversion;
+ fido_cred_prot;
+ fido_cred_set_prot;
+ fido_dev_set_transport_functions;
+ fido_set_log_handler.
* Fixed EdDSA and RSA self-attestation.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/808665
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/security/libfido2?expand=0&rev=24