@ -1,10 +1,178 @@
Thu Feb 27 10:35:47 UTC 2025 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix changes file, because update to 5.2.2 also fixes
* boo#1236312 (CVE-2025-24530, PMASA-2025-1)
* boo#1236311 (CVE-2025-24529, PMASA-2025-2)
- update phpMyAdmin.http.inc
* add php_admin_value upload_max_filesize 64M
Thu Jan 23 12:34:40 UTC 2025 - ecsos <ecsos@opensuse.org>
- Update to 5.2.2
* Security
- issue [security] Fix for a path disclosure leak in the Monitoring tab
- issue Prevent the user from deleting system databases
- issue [security] Fix an XSS vulnerability when checking tables (PMASA-2025-1)
- issue [security] Fix an XSS vulnerability on the Insert tab (PMASA-2025-2)
- issue [security] Fix a possible glibc/iconv vulnerability (CVE-2024-2961, assigned PMASA-2025-3
but please note that phpMyAdmin is not vulnerable by default)
* Bugfix
- issue Fix for sql-parser relating to quadratic complexity in certain queries, which could have caused long execution times.
- issue #17851 Fix total count of rows in not accurate
- issue #17766 Allow to open in a new tab copy and edit row actions
- issue #17599 Fix error when handling an user that is not in privileges table
- issue #17364 Fix error when trying to import a status monitor chart arrangement
- issue #18106 Fix renaming database with a view
- issue #18120 Fix bug with numerical tables during renaming database
- issue #16851 Fix ($cfg['Order']) default column order doesn't have have any effect since phpMyAdmin 4.2.0
- issue #18138 Fix some issues with numerical table names
- issue #18112 Fix open base dir warning on git version class
- issue #18211 Fix the themes route missing the server ID
- issue Do not show "Original length undefined" on binary hex columns
- issue Fix wrong time zone when handling Git information
- issue #18195 Fix warning on non-existent table for XML export
- issue #18196 Fix errors of import notification
- issue #18093 Fix JS errors around "new user account" in some edge cases
- issue #16451 Increase password characters limit to 2000 during login
- issue #18177 Fix "IS NULL" is shown for non-nullable columns on search page
- issue #16199 Fix dragging of tables in designer
- issue #18268 Fix UI issue the theme manager is disabled
- issue #18258 Speed improvements when exporting a database
- issue #17702 Fix performance issue when handling large number of tables in a single database
- issue #18324 Fix UI defect on tracking versions table first column
- issue #18266 Fix disabling features (like `$cfg['Servers'][$i]['tracking'] = false;`) did not work
- issue #18296 Fixed query time measurement - measure time only for user queries
- issue #18235 Fix columns are misaligned for the "sys" database
- issue #18249 Speed improvements when browsing a database with multiple tables
- issue #18060 Fix Console height "Not a non-negative number" error
- issue #18188 Fix issue when editing GIS data
- issue Fix width/height of create routines modal and width of routines/triggers/events modals
- issue Stop pmadb database detection when all features are disabled
- issue Upgrade slim/psr7 to 1.4.1 for CVE-2023-30536 - GHSA-q2qj-628g-vhfw
- issue #17654 Fix unprivileged user cannot change password on MySQL >= 5.7.37
- issue #18385 Add CVE MITRE link to allowed domains and use cve.org
- issue #18330 Fix TypeError when no-datetime field is modified
- issue #18212 Fix Query Builder doesn't replace a table name with it's alias in the `WHERE` block
- issue #18221 Keep the criteria box collapsed by the user when un-checking the criteria checkbox
- issue #18363 Fix colspan for actions column on database table list
- issue Fix double encoding on User Groups pages
- issue Fix list of users of an user group not showing up
- issue Fix duplicate query params in the SQL message card
- issue #18314 Fix dragged row in index form
- issue #17392 Fix the actions not being hidden in the Triggers, Routines, Events pages
- issue #18441 Fix execute routine page not working when not in a modal
- issue #18471 Fix SQL statement not being displayed correctly on RTL languages
- issue Fix state times not getting summed in the profiling table
- issue Fix a case where a fatal error message was not displayed
- issue #17420 Fix profiling chart not loading when profiling is activated
- issue #18159 Fix error when changing the number of chart columns in the monitor page
- issue #18403 Fix Uncaught SyntaxError: JSON.parse on makegrid conditions
- issue #17528 Fix double escaping of database group names in the navigation tree
- issue #18473 Fix the NULL not applied after clearing nullable field
- issue #18454 Fix date field calendar display when changing NULL state
- issue #18481 Fix missing pagination when using SELECT DISTINCT
- issue #18325 Allow hex representations for integers in the search box validation
- issue #14411 Fixed double tap to edit on mobile devices
- issue Update documentation to reflect that Node >= 12 is required to compile the JS and CSS files
- issue #18578 Fixed PDF export NULL values gives a type error
- issue #18605 Fixed issue when executing a stored procedure
- issue #18650 Fixed double escaping on foreign key relation link title
- issue #18533 Fixed wrong count for simulated queries
- issue #18611 Fixed an error when searching a table without conditions
- issue #18663 Fixed case where triggers are dropped when moving a table
- issue #17404 Fixed an error message after dropping a database
- issue #18714 Fixed incorrect formatting of the amount of table rows
- issue #18717 Fixed issue when deleting bookmarks
- issue #18713 Fixed some issues with the GIS editor
- issue #18722 Fixed generic error message in the home page
- issue #18693 Fixed enum/set value escaping
- issue #18769 Improved collations support for MariaDB 10.10
- issue #17381 Fixed JS errors when editing indexes on create table
- issue #14402 Fix the PRIMARY label still shown when using two columns for a PK on create table
- issue #17347 Fixed JS errors when changing index settings on create table
- issue #18762 Fixed truncating tables when a VIEW is included
- issue Fix BETWEEN search does not validate input because of spaces
- issue Fix JS number validation does not validate when the input is empty or emptied
- issue #18561 Fix issue when adding System Monitor charts
- issue #17363 Fix duplicate route parameter after logging in
- issue #15670 Fix case where the data is truncated after changing a longtext column's collation
- issue #18797 Fixed support for ampersand as a arg separator
- issue #18834 Fixed case where column hash is empty in table relation page
- issue #17538 Fixed error when renaming an index
- issue #18865 Fix missing text-nowrap for timestamps columns
- issue #18613 Fixed routine editor showing wrong parameter type
- issue #18890 Fixed wrong row count when query has UNION
- issue #18949 Fixed natural sorting for items in the navigation section
- issue #18930 Fixed import of empty tables from MediaWiki
- issue #18940 Fixed issue when creating an unique key
- issue #19022 Fix case where tables from wrong database is loaded in navigation tree
- issue #18782 Fixed issue with role based auth for MySQL 8
- issue #18593 Fix drop db line included in server export if exporting only data
- issue #18049 Also check that curl_exec is enabled for the new version check
- issue #19023 Fixed table size for ROCKSDB engine showing as unknown
- issue #18451 Fix when editing inline central column, Null is always preselected
- issue #18495 Fixed database export missing routines
- issue #19117 Allow changing the virtuality of a column without any other changes
- issue #18566 Fixed error when importing exported view with USE INDEX hint
- issue #17920 Fixed moving column with empty default value will replace it with ''
- issue #18006 Fixed moving columns causes the default uuid() value to get quotes around it
- issue #18962 Fixed move columns with ENUM() & DEFAULT causes invalid SQL
- issue #18276 Fix on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP doesn't show as default in attributes
- issue #18240 Fix inserting value with UNIX_TIMESTAMP() without a parameter
- issue #19125 Fixed CodeMirror tooltip is below modals
- issue #18674 Fix formatted sql in browse table result has a linebreak after each token
- issue #18210 Fixed add replica replication user on MariaDB doesn't work (SQL syntax)
- issue #19041 Fix footer.twig gets printed to Binary File Download
- issue #19091 Fix to stop processing queries on error
- issue #18241 Fix copy SQL query button on error messages
- issue #17190 Fix an error with SELECT ... FOR UPDATE queries
- issue #19145 Remove duplicate server and lang parameters from links
- issue #19158 Fix an issue with backticks on the query generator
- issue #19174 Fix an issue with column alias with asterisk on the query generator
- issue #19146 Fix column sorting with limit subquery
- issue #19152 Fix the number of lines being ignored in GIS visualization after a search
- issue #19189 Fix issue with column sorting when using 'group by'
- issue #19188 Fix issue with simulated queries reporting syntax errors
- issue #19141 Add cookie prefix '-__Secure-' to cookies to help prevent cookie smuggling
- issue #19218 Fix textarea horizontal resizing with Bootstap theme
- issue #19199 Add support for fractional seconds to current_timestamp()
- issue #19221 Fix query statistics for queries with count(*)
- issue #19203 Fix single quotes and backslashes for the query generator
- issue #19163 Fix queries with IS NULL or IS NOT NULL for the query generator
- issue #19181 Fix query generator support for IN() and NOT IN()
- issue #19167 Fix criteria on column '*' for the query generator
- issue #19213 Fix possible issue when exporting a large data set
- issue #19217 Fix issue when editing a cell of a JSON column
- issue #19244 Add yarn 1.22 to the package.json's packageManager field
- issue #19185 Fix visual issue when a row has only empty cells
- issue #19257 Fix issue when adding an index with an invalid name
- issue #19276 Fix compatibility with Twig 3.12
- issue #19283 Fix issue when the server starts with skip-innodb option
- issue #19299 Fix charset in procedure's parameter type
- issue #19316 Fix input size for hexadecimal values
- issue #19321 Suppress deprecation message of E_STRICT constant
- issue Fix PHP 8.4 `str_getcsv` `$escape` parameter deprecation
- issue #19426 Fix PHP warnings when the column is a `COMPRESSED BLOB`
- issue Allow opening server breadcrumb links in new tab with Ctrl/Meta key
- issue #19500 Use `KILL` instead of `CALL mysql.rds_kill` for non super users
- issue Fix "copy to clipboard" was adding a blank row for each repeating header row
- issue Fix TCPDF translations
- issue Remove underline for links on Bootstrap theme
- issue Fix sql editor height on multi-table query
- issue #18852 Fix notification color scheme on the Bootstrap dark theme
- issue #14542 Show the query even if no results are found in the Table search
- issue #16936 Fixed import (e.g. ods) doesn't respect database default collation
- issue #19000 Disable autocomplete for the create table/db name inputs
Mon Feb 26 09:45:34 UTC 2024 - ecsos <ecsos@opensuse.org>
- Adjustments patch macro for rpm 4.20.
Fri May 5 07:46:47 UTC 2023 - <chris@computersalat.de>
Fri May 5 07:46:47 UTC 2023 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix deps for subpkg apache
* definitly Requires mod_php_any