- Update to 1.2.2
* add create_params function
* add ModelResult.summary() to return many resulting fit statistics
and attributes into a JSON-able dict.
* update tests for latest versions of NumPy and SciPy.
* Coercing of user input data and independent data for Model to
float64 ndarrays is somewhat less aggressive and will not increase
the precision of numpy ndarrays
* improve Model.make_params and create_params to take optional dict
of Parameter attributes
* Outputs of residual functions, including Model._residual, are more
explicitly coerced to 1d-arrays of datatype Float64. This decreases the
expectation for the user-supplied code to return ndarrays, and increases
the tolerance for more “array-like” objects or ndarrays that are not
Float64 or 1-dimensional.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1105049
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-lmfit?expand=0&rev=9
- Update to v1.1.0
## New features:
* add Pearson4Model (@lellid; PR #800)
* add SplineModel (PR #804)
* add R^2 rsquared statistic to fit outputs and reports for Model
fits (Issue #803; PR #810)
* add calculation of dely for model components of composite
models (Issue #761; PR #826)
## Bug fixes/enhancements:
* make sure variable spercent is always defined in
params_html_table functions (reported by @MySlientWind; Issue
#768, PR #770)
* always initialize the variables success and covar the
MinimizerResult (reported by Marc W. Pound; PR #771)
* build package following PEP517/PEP518; use pyproject.toml and
setup.cfg; leave setup.py for now (PR #777)
* components used to create a CompositeModel can now have
different independent variables (@Julian-Hochhaus; Discussion
#787; PR #788)
* fixed function definition for StepModel(form='linear'), was not
consistent with the other ones (@matpompili; PR #794)
* fixed height factor for Gaussian2dModel, was not correct
(@matpompili; PR #795)
* for covariances with negative diagonal elements, we set the
covariance to None (PR #813)
* fixed linear mode for RectangleModel (@arunpersaud; Issue #815;
PR #816)
* report correct initial values for parameters with bounds (Issue
#820; PR #821)
* allow recalculation of confidence intervals (@jagerber48; PR
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1058273
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-lmfit?expand=0&rev=7
- Update to v1.0.3
**Potentially breaking change:**
* argument ``x`` is now required for the ``guess`` method of
Models (Issue #747; PR #748)
To get reasonable estimates for starting values one should
always supply both ``x`` and ``y`` values; in some cases it
would work when only providing ``data`` (i.e., y-values). With
the change above, ``x`` is now required in the ``guess`` method
call, so scripts might need to be updated to explicitly supply
**Bug fixes/enhancements:**
* do not overwrite user-specified figure titles in Model.plot()
functions and allow setting with ``title`` keyword argument (PR
* preserve Parameters subclass in deepcopy (@jenshnielsen; PR
* coerce ``data`` and ``indepdent_vars`` to NumPy array with
``dtype=float64`` or ``dtype=complex128`` where applicable
(Issues #723 and #728)
* fix collision between parameter names in built-in models and
user-specified parameters (Issue #710 and PR #732)
* correct error message in PolynomialModel (@kremeyer; PR #737)
* improved handling of altered JSON data (Issue #739; PR #740,
reported by Matthew Giammar)
* map ``max_nfev`` to ``maxiter`` when using
``differential_evolution`` (PR #749, reported by Olivier B.)
* correct use of noise versus experimental uncertainty in the
documentation (PR #751, reported by Andrés Zelcer)
* specify return type of ``eval`` method more precisely and allow
for plotting of (Complex)ConstantModel by coercing their
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/942992
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-lmfit?expand=0&rev=6
- Update to version 1.0.2
* officially supports Python 3.9 and has dropped support for
Python 3.5. The minimum version of the following dependencies
were updated: asteval>=0.9.21, numpy>=1.18, and scipy>=1.3.
New features:
* added two-dimensional Gaussian lineshape and model (PR #642;
* all built-in models are now registered in lmfit.models.
lmfit_models; new Model class attribute valid_forms (PR #663;
* added a SineModel (PR #676; @lneuhaus)
* add the run_mcmc_kwargs argument to Minimizer.emcee to pass to
the emcee.EnsembleSampler.run_mcmc function (PR #694; @rbnvrw)
- Skip python36 build: Numpy 1.20 dropped support for Python 3.6
(NEP 29)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/873450
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-lmfit?expand=0&rev=4
- Update to version 1.0.1
+ New features:
- added thermal distribution model and lineshape (PR #620; @mpmdean)
- introduced a new argument ``max_nfev`` to uniformly specify the maximum
number of function evalutions (PR #610)
**Please note: all other arguments (e.g., ``maxfev``, ``maxiter``, ...)
will no longer be passed to the underlying solver. A warning will be emitted
stating that one should use ``max_nfev``.**
- the attribute ``call_kws`` was added to the ``MinimizerResult`` class and
contains the keyword arguments that are supplied to the solver in SciPy.
+ Bug fixes:
- fixes to the ``load`` and ``__setstate__`` methods of the Parameter class
- fixed failure of ModelResult.dump() due to missing attributes
(Issue #611, PR #623; @mpmdean)
- ``guess_from_peak`` function now also works correctly with decreasing
x-values or when using pandas (PRs #627 and #629; @mpmdean)
- the ``Parameter.set()`` method now correctly first updates the boundaries
and then the value (Issue #636, PR #637; @arunpersaud)
+ Various:
- fixed typo for the use of expressions in the documentation
(Issue #610; @jkrogager)
- removal of PY2-compatibility and unused code and improved test
coverage (PRs #619, #631, and #633)
- removed deprecated ``isParameter`` function and automatic conversion of
an ``uncertainties`` object (PR #626)
- inaccurate FWHM calculations were removed from built-in models, others
labeled as estimates (Issue #616 and PR #630)
- corrected spelling mistake for the Doniach lineshape and model
(Issue #634; @rayosborn)
- removed unsupported/untested code for IPython notebooks in lmfit/ui/*
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/812430
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-lmfit?expand=0&rev=1