- Updated to revision 831, fixes the following problems
* Python threads don't run in the background (issue 103).
* "\k" in regexp does not work in other window.
* After reloading a buffer the modelines are not processed.
* MzScheme interface doesn't work propely.
* ":substitute" works differently without confirmation.
* New interactive :substutite behavior is not tested.
* Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck)
* MzScheme does not build with tiny features.
* Compiler warning for size_t to int conversion. (Skeept)
* MzScheme: circular list does not work correctly.
* The color column is not correct when entering a buffer.
* The " mark is not adjusted when inserting lines. (Roland Eggner)
* ":window set nu?" displays the cursor line. (Nazri Ramliy)
* Compiler warning for tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Python threads still do not work properly.
* The dosinst.c program has a buffer overflow. (Thomas Gwae)
* 'relativenumber is reset unexpectedly.
* Useless termresponse parsing for SGR mouse.
* When 'indentexpr' moves the cursor "curswant" not restored.
* Can't compute a hash.
* Test 89 fails with tiny and small features.
* Compiling without +eval and with Python isn't working.
* Crash when accessing freed buffer.
* Can redefine builtin functions. (ZyX)
* With Python errors are not always clear.
* List of features in :version output is hard to read.
* Python tests fail.
* Mappings are not aware of wildmenu mode.
* Clumsy to handle the situation that a variable does not exist.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/156090
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=98
- Updated to revision 785, fixes the following problems
* Jumping to a mark does not open a fold if it is in the same line.
* Not all message translation files are installed.
* Segfault when doing "cclose" on BufUnload in a python function.
* ":help cpo-*" jumps to the wrong place.
* settabvar() and setwinvar() may move the cursor.
* 'matchpairs' does not work with multi-byte characters.
* Vim.h indentation is inconsistent.
* Uninitialized variable. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
* Cursor is at the wrong location and below the end of the file
* Crash when OriginalFirstThunk is zero.
* Tiny GUI version misses console dialog feature.
* ml_get error when searching, caused by curwin not matching curbuf.
* When building with Gnome locale gets reset.
* Compiler error for adding up two pointers. (Titov Anatoly)
* Backwards search lands in wrong place when started on a multibyte
* char2nr() and nr2char() always use 'encoding'.
* Drawing with 'guifontwide' can be slow.
* Crash when mark is not set. (Dominique Pelle)
* Error when 'guifontwide' has a comma.
* Crash with specific use of search pattern.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/150136
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=97
* Jumping to a mark does not open a fold if it is in the same line.
* Not all message translation files are installed.
* Segfault when doing "cclose" on BufUnload in a python function.
* ":help cpo-*" jumps to the wrong place.
* settabvar() and setwinvar() may move the cursor.
* 'matchpairs' does not work with multi-byte characters.
* Vim.h indentation is inconsistent.
* Uninitialized variable. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
* Cursor is at the wrong location and below the end of the file
* Crash when OriginalFirstThunk is zero.
* Tiny GUI version misses console dialog feature.
* ml_get error when searching, caused by curwin not matching curbuf.
* When building with Gnome locale gets reset.
* Compiler error for adding up two pointers. (Titov Anatoly)
* Backwards search lands in wrong place when started on a multibyte
* char2nr() and nr2char() always use 'encoding'.
* Drawing with 'guifontwide' can be slow.
* Crash when mark is not set. (Dominique Pelle)
* Error when 'guifontwide' has a comma.
* Crash with specific use of search pattern.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=124
- Updated to revision 762, fixes the following problems
* Automatically setting 'ttymouse' doesn't work.
* Memory leaks when using location lists.
* Cannot properly test conceal mode.
* Python interface doesn't build without the multi-byte feature.
* The justify macro does not always work correctly.
* Test 61 is flaky, it fails once in a while.
* Test 49 script file doesn't fold properly.
* When there is a QuitPre autocommand using ":q" twice does not work
* Autoconf doesn't find Python 3 if it's called "python".
* A location list can get a wrong count in :lvimgrep.
* Issue 96: May access freed memory when a put command triggers
* Matchit plugin does not handle space in #ifdef.
* dv_ deletes the white space before the line.
* In Visual mode a "-p does not work. (Marcin Szamotulski)
* On some systems the tabline is not redrawn.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/146768
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=94
* Automatically setting 'ttymouse' doesn't work.
* Memory leaks when using location lists.
* Cannot properly test conceal mode.
* Python interface doesn't build without the multi-byte feature.
* The justify macro does not always work correctly.
* Test 61 is flaky, it fails once in a while.
* Test 49 script file doesn't fold properly.
* When there is a QuitPre autocommand using ":q" twice does not work
* Autoconf doesn't find Python 3 if it's called "python".
* A location list can get a wrong count in :lvimgrep.
* Issue 96: May access freed memory when a put command triggers
* Matchit plugin does not handle space in #ifdef.
* dv_ deletes the white space before the line.
* In Visual mode a "-p does not work. (Marcin Szamotulski)
* On some systems the tabline is not redrawn.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=120
- Updated to revision 744, fixes the following problems
* printf() can only align to bytes, not characters.
* Inconsistency: :set can be used in the sandbox, but :setlocal and
* Crash when calling setloclist() in BufUnload autocmd. (Marcin
* Error on exit when using Python 3.
* When changing the font size, only MS-Windows limits the window
* When re-using the current buffer the buffer-local options stay.
* Cannot run new version of cproto, it fails on missing include
* Proto files are outdated.
* Ruby interface defines local functions globally.
* Perl flags may contain "-g", which breaks "make proto".
* Building with Ruby and Tcl on MS-Windows 64 bit does not work.
* :aboveleft and :belowright have no effect on :copen.
* Typos and duplicate info in README.
* Building with Ruby fails on some systems.
* Crash in PHP file when using syntastic.
* Py3Init_vim() is exported uneccessarily.
* Compiler warnings for function arguments.
* Tests fail when including MzScheme.
* Cannot put help files in a sub-directory.
* File name completion in input() escapes white space.
* Unused function argument.
* Computing number of lines may have an integer overflow.
* IOC tool complains about undefined behavior for int.
* Tiny build fails.
* Leaking memory when :vimgrep restores the directory.
* Tiny build still fails.
* 64 bit compiler warning.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/143756
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=92
* printf() can only align to bytes, not characters.
* Inconsistency: :set can be used in the sandbox, but :setlocal and
* Crash when calling setloclist() in BufUnload autocmd. (Marcin
* Error on exit when using Python 3.
* When changing the font size, only MS-Windows limits the window
* When re-using the current buffer the buffer-local options stay.
* Cannot run new version of cproto, it fails on missing include
* Proto files are outdated.
* Ruby interface defines local functions globally.
* Perl flags may contain "-g", which breaks "make proto".
* Various tiny problems.
* Building with Ruby and Tcl on MS-Windows 64 bit does not work.
* :aboveleft and :belowright have no effect on :copen.
* Typos and duplicate info in README.
* Can't always find Win32.mak when building GvimExt.
* Cannot compile with MzScheme interface on Ubuntu 12.10.
* Building with Ruby fails on some systems.
* Crash in PHP file when using syntastic. (Ike Devolder)
* Py3Init_vim() is exported uneccessarily.
* Compiler warnings for function arguments.
* Tests fail when including MzScheme.
* Cannot put help files in a sub-directory.
* Cannot build Ruby 1.9 with MingW or Cygwin.
* File name completion in input() escapes white space. (Frederic
* When using do_cmdline() recursively did_endif is not reset,
* Unused function argument.
* Computing number of lines may have an integer overflow.
* IOC tool complains about undefined behavior for int.
* Tiny build fails.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=115
- Update to patchlevel 712, fixes the following problems
* Can't build Ruby interface with Ruby 1.9.3.
* End of color scheme name not clear in E185. (Aaron Lewis)
* Buffer overflow in unescaping text. (Raymond Ko)
* MSVC 11 is not supported.
* Unused variables in Perl interface.
* Building with Perl loaded dynamically still uses static library.
* When building with Cygwin loading Python dynamically fails.
* Python: memory leaks when there are exceptions.
* More Python code can be shared between Python 2 and 3.
* Not possible to lock/unlock lists in Python interface.
* Using "gN" while 'selection' is "exclusive" misses one character.
* Using uninitialized memory with very long file name.
* buf_spname() is used inconsistently.
* Ruby .so name may not be correct.
* Ruby detection uses Config, newer Ruby versions use RbConfig.
* Some files missing in the list of distributed files.
* List of distributed files picks up backup files.
* Compiler complains about incompatible types.
* ":python" may crash when vimbindeval() returns None.
* "make test" does not delete lua.vim.
* Using CTRL-\ e mappings is useful also when entering an
* Test 16 fails when $DISPLAY is not set.
* Python 3.3 is not supported.
* MzScheme and Lua may use a NULL string.
* When the current directory name is exactly the maximum path length
* State specific to the Python thread is discarded.
* Can't build GTK version with GTK 2.0.
* Can't make 'softtabstop' follow 'shiftwidth'.
* Now that 'shiftwidth' may use the value of 'tabstop' it is not so
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/140008
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=91
* Can't build Ruby interface with Ruby 1.9.3.
* End of color scheme name not clear in E185. (Aaron Lewis)
* Buffer overflow in unescaping text. (Raymond Ko)
* MSVC 11 is not supported.
* Unused variables in Perl interface.
* Building with Perl loaded dynamically still uses static library.
* When building with Cygwin loading Python dynamically fails.
* Python: memory leaks when there are exceptions.
* More Python code can be shared between Python 2 and 3.
* Not possible to lock/unlock lists in Python interface.
* Using "gN" while 'selection' is "exclusive" misses one character.
* Using uninitialized memory with very long file name.
* buf_spname() is used inconsistently.
* Ruby .so name may not be correct.
* Ruby detection uses Config, newer Ruby versions use RbConfig.
* Some files missing in the list of distributed files.
* List of distributed files picks up backup files.
* Compiler complains about incompatible types.
* ":python" may crash when vimbindeval() returns None.
* "make test" does not delete lua.vim.
* Using CTRL-\ e mappings is useful also when entering an
* Test 16 fails when $DISPLAY is not set.
* Python 3.3 is not supported.
* MzScheme and Lua may use a NULL string.
* When the current directory name is exactly the maximum path length
* State specific to the Python thread is discarded.
* Can't build GTK version with GTK 2.0.
* Can't make 'softtabstop' follow 'shiftwidth'.
* Now that 'shiftwidth' may use the value of 'tabstop' it is not so
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=113
- Update to patchlevel 661, fixes the following problems
* "gnd" doesn't work correctly in Visual mode.
* Crash when using a very long file name. (ZyX)
* When 'clipboard' is set to "unnamed" small deletes end up in the
* Completion after ":help \{-" gives an error message and messes up
* Completion after ":help \{-" gives an error message.
* Workaround for Python crash isn't perfect.
* MingW needs build rule for included XPM files. Object directory
* When creating a Vim dictionary from Python objects an empty key
* Internal error in :pyeval.
* Python bindings silently truncate string values containing NUL.
* NUL bytes truncate strings when converted from Python.
* Recent Python changes are not tested.
* ":help !" jumps to help for ":!".
* SEGV in Python code.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/133882
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=89
* "gnd" doesn't work correctly in Visual mode.
* Crash when using a very long file name. (ZyX)
* When 'clipboard' is set to "unnamed" small deletes end up in the
* Completion after ":help \{-" gives an error message and messes up
* Completion after ":help \{-" gives an error message.
* Workaround for Python crash isn't perfect.
* MingW needs build rule for included XPM files. Object directory
* When creating a Vim dictionary from Python objects an empty key
* Internal error in :pyeval.
* Python bindings silently truncate string values containing NUL.
* NUL bytes truncate strings when converted from Python.
* Recent Python changes are not tested.
* ":help !" jumps to help for ":!".
* SEGV in Python code.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=109
- Update to patchlevel 646, fixes the following problems
* Segfault with specific autocommands.
* Not all zero-width matches handled correctly for "gn".
* Cannot select beyond 222 columns with the mouse in xterm.
* "|" does not behave correctly when 'virtualedit' is set.
* There is no way to make 'shiftwidth' follow 'tabstop'.
* "gn" does not handle zero-width matches correctly.
* Completion for a user command does not recognize backslash before
a space.
* Auto formatting messes up text when 'fo' contains "2".
* Cannot operate on the text that a search pattern matches.
* File names in :checkpath! output are garbled.
* winrestview() does not always restore the view correctly.
* CTRL-P completion has a problem with multi-byte characters.
* inputdialog() doesn't use the cancel argument in the console.
* <f-args> is not expanded properly with DBCS encoding.
* Can only move to a tab by absolute number.
* Crash when $HOME is not set
* "ygt" tries to yank instead of giving an error.
* ":vimgrep" does not obey 'wildignore'.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/132287
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=88
* Segfault with specific autocommands.
* Not all zero-width matches handled correctly for "gn".
* Cannot select beyond 222 columns with the mouse in xterm.
* "|" does not behave correctly when 'virtualedit' is set.
* There is no way to make 'shiftwidth' follow 'tabstop'.
* "gn" does not handle zero-width matches correctly.
* Completion for a user command does not recognize backslash before
a space.
* Auto formatting messes up text when 'fo' contains "2".
* Cannot operate on the text that a search pattern matches.
* File names in :checkpath! output are garbled.
* winrestview() does not always restore the view correctly.
* CTRL-P completion has a problem with multi-byte characters.
* inputdialog() doesn't use the cancel argument in the console.
* <f-args> is not expanded properly with DBCS encoding.
* Can only move to a tab by absolute number.
* Crash when $HOME is not set
* "ygt" tries to yank instead of giving an error.
* ":vimgrep" does not obey 'wildignore'.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=107
- Update to patchlevel 566, fixes the following problems
* Redo after completion does not work correctly when refresh.
* ":profdel" should not work when the +profile feature is disabled.
* Crash when an autocommand wipes out a buffer when it is hidden.
* The cursor is in the wrong line after using ":copen".
* 'efm' does not handle Tabs in pointer lines.
* When spell checking the German sharp s is not seen as a word
* When using an InsertCharPre autocommand autoindent fails.
* Gvim does not work when 'guioptions' includes "f".
* Using a count before "v" and "V" does not work.
* ":diffupdate" doesn't check for files changed elsewhere.
* Using "z=" on a multi-byte character may cause a crash.
* 'wildignorecase' only applies to the last part of the path.
* No completion for :history command.
* Cannot use CTRL-E and CTRL-Y with "r".
* ":vimgrep" fails when 'autochdir' is set.
- license update: SUSE-Vim
Choose a license from the list at http://www.spdx.org/licenses or from
the list linked at http://license.opensuse.org
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/126120
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=86
* Redo after completion does not work correctly when refresh.
* ":profdel" should not work when the +profile feature is disabled.
* Crash when an autocommand wipes out a buffer when it is hidden.
* The cursor is in the wrong line after using ":copen".
* 'efm' does not handle Tabs in pointer lines.
* When spell checking the German sharp s is not seen as a word
* When using an InsertCharPre autocommand autoindent fails.
* Gvim does not work when 'guioptions' includes "f".
* Using a count before "v" and "V" does not work.
* ":diffupdate" doesn't check for files changed elsewhere.
* Using "z=" on a multi-byte character may cause a crash.
* 'wildignorecase' only applies to the last part of the path.
* No completion for :history command.
* Cannot use CTRL-E and CTRL-Y with "r".
* ":vimgrep" fails when 'autochdir' is set.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=103
- Try to fix bnc#753907
- add patchlevel to package version. This makes it easier for proper version
to be determined, and to let other repos properly handle "which version is
newer than the other" without having to rely on the Release number, which osc
does not keep track of cross-repos. Side effect, openSUSE:Tumbleweed can
properly include vim now.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/111051
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=81
* Using many continuation lines can be slow.
* Pasting in the command line is slow.
* Undo broken when pasting close to the last line.
* Crash when a BufWinLeave autocommand closes
the only other window.
* ":all!" and ":sall!" give error E477, even though the
documentation says these are valid commands.
* Vim does not support UTF8_STRING for the X selection.
* Compiler warnings to size casts in Perl interface.
* Search history lines are duplicated.
* "it" and "at" don't work properly
with a dash in the tag name.
* DBCS encoding in a user command does not always work.
* When a user complete function returns -1 an error message
is given.
* Completion of functions stops once a dictionary is encountered.
* Storing a float in a session file has an additional '&'.
* Pasting in Visual mode using the "" register does not work.
* Multi-byte characters in b:browsefilter are not handled correctly.
* ":helpgrep" does not trigger QuickFixCmd* autocommands.
* ":cd" doesn't work when the path contains wildcards.
* When placing a mark while starting up a screen redraw messes up
the screen.
* Mapping CTRL-K in Insert mode breaks CTRL-X CTRL-K for dictionary
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=89
- Update to patchlevel 382, fixes the following problems
* IME characters are inserted twice.
* C-indenting wrong for a function header.
* C-indenting wrong for static enum.
* No support for bitwise AND, OR, XOR and invert.
* A tags file with an extremely long name may cause
an infinite loop.
- add autoconf as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
- Update to patchlevel 372, fixes the following problems
* Crash when using a large Unicode character in a file that has
syntax highlighting.
* :wundo and :rundo use a wrong checksum.
* When using a command line mapping to <Up> with file name
completion to go one directory up, 'wildchar' is inserted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/98042
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/vim?expand=0&rev=79
* IME characters are inserted twice.
* C-indenting wrong for a function header.
* C-indenting wrong for static enum.
* No support for bitwise AND, OR, XOR and invert.
* A tags file with an extremely long name may cause
an infinite loop.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=85
* Crash when using a large Unicode character in a file that has
syntax highlighting.
* :wundo and :rundo use a wrong checksum.
* When using a command line mapping to <Up> with file name
completion to go one directory up, 'wildchar' is inserted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=82
* C indenting is wrong after #endif followed by a semicolon.
* ml_get error when using ":g" with folded lines.
* Accessing memory after it is freed when EXITFREE is defined.
* Interrupting the load of an autoload function may cause a crash.
* Command line completion shows dict functions.
* Using "o" with 'cindent' set may freeze Vim.
* ":set backspace+=eol" doesn't work when 'backspace' has a
backwards compatible value of 2.
* When completing methods dict functions and script-local functions
get in the way.
* Text formatting uses start of insert position when it should not.
* Block of code after ":lua << EOF" may not work.
* When running out of memory during startup trying to open a
swapfile will loop forever.
* "call range(1, 947948399)" causes a crash
* When dropping text from a browser on Vim it receives HTML even
though "html" is excluded from 'clipboard'
* When switching language with ":lang" the window title doesn't
change until later.
* Problem with GUI startup related to XInitThreads.
* No mouse support for urxvt.
* Using getchar() in an expression mapping doesn't work well.
* Screen doesn't update after resizing the xterm until a character
is typed.
* When a tags file specifies an encoding different from 'enc' it
may hang and using a pattern doesn't work.
* When 'imdisable' is reset from an autocommand in Insert mode it
doesn't take effect.
* Using "." to repeat a Visual delete counts the size in bytes, not
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=77