Release manifest updates in relation to corner case use-cases #60

ipetrov117 merged 2 commits from ipetrov117/Factory:rm-rancher-migration-workaround into main 2024-12-19 12:27:23 +01:00


  • Rancher version convention was changed from v2.10.0 to 2.10.0 to better map to the actual version in the upstream helm chart repo which is without the v prefix.

  • Rancher's postDelete hook has been disabled - done to ensure that we will not hit a corner case where:

    1. The Rancher helm chart upgrade fails, because of a core component not yet being ready
    2. The helm-controller schedules a helm uninstall which deletes the Rancher Helm release and triggers the postDelete hook.
    3. The problematic core component is up and running, so helm-controller schedules a helm install with the new version.
    4. Due to insufficient resources, or network connection (or other unforeseen problems), the postDelete hook is still running and it wrongly removes the new Rancher installation resulting in a missing rancher from the cluster after an upgrade.

The postDelete hook ensures that no accidental delete of the Rancher application will happen during an upgrade over a machine with fewer resources.

Changes: - Rancher version convention was changed from `v2.10.0` to `2.10.0` to better map to the actual version in the upstream helm chart repo which is without the `v` prefix. - Rancher's `postDelete` hook has been disabled - done to ensure that we will not hit a corner case where: 1. The Rancher helm chart upgrade fails, because of a core component not yet being ready 2. The `helm-controller` schedules a `helm uninstall` which deletes the Rancher Helm release and triggers the `postDelete` hook. 3. The problematic core component is up and running, so `helm-controller` schedules a `helm install` with the new version. 4. Due to insufficient resources, or network connection (or other unforeseen problems), the `postDelete` hook is still running and it wrongly removes the new Rancher installation resulting in a missing rancher from the cluster after an upgrade. The `postDelete` hook ensures that no accidental delete of the Rancher application will happen during an upgrade over a machine with fewer resources.
ipetrov117 added 2 commits 2024-12-19 10:55:50 +01:00
Disable Rancher's postDelete hook
All checks were successful
OBS: kube-rbac-proxy-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri - standard/x86_64
OBS: metallb-controller-image - images/aarch64
OBS: metallb-speaker-image - images/aarch64
OBS: metallb-controller-image - images/x86_64
OBS: metallb-speaker-image - images/x86_64
OBS: upgrade-controller-image - images/aarch64
OBS: upgrade-controller-image - images/x86_64
OBS: ironic-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri - standard/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - test_manifest_images/x86_64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - test_manifest_images/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - images/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri-controller-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri-debug-echo-discovery-handler-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri-opcua-discovery-handler-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri-webhook-configuration-image - images/x86_64
OBS: ironic-ipa-ramdisk - standard/x86_64
OBS: akri-udev-discovery-handler-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri-agent-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri-onvif-discovery-handler-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri-debug-echo-discovery-handler-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-webhook-configuration-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-opcua-discovery-handler-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-controller-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-onvif-discovery-handler-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-udev-discovery-handler-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-agent-image - images/aarch64
OBS: ironic-ipa-downloader-image - images/x86_64
ipetrov117 requested review from atanasdinov 2024-12-19 10:55:58 +01:00
ipetrov117 requested review from dprodanov 2024-12-19 10:55:58 +01:00
dprodanov approved these changes 2024-12-19 10:59:44 +01:00
nbelouin approved these changes 2024-12-19 11:02:16 +01:00

Currently waiting on some final validations and we will merge.

Currently waiting on some final validations and we will merge.
atanasdinov approved these changes 2024-12-19 12:25:15 +01:00
ipetrov117 merged commit fde506f9ef into main 2024-12-19 12:27:23 +01:00
ipetrov117 deleted branch rm-rancher-migration-workaround 2024-12-19 12:27:23 +01:00
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Reference: suse-edge/Factory#60
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