Add metal3 images to ARM allowlist #74

nbelouin merged 1 commits from steven.hardy/Factory:arm_config into main 2025-02-20 15:34:52 +01:00

We need to ensure these build to enable usage of the metal3 chart on ARM

We need to ensure these build to enable usage of the metal3 chart on ARM
steven.hardy added 1 commit 2025-02-19 17:52:51 +01:00
Add metal3 images to ARM allowlist
Some checks failed
OBS: akri - standard/aarch64
OBS: kube-rbac-proxy - standard/aarch64
OBS: ironic-ipa-downloader-image - images/x86_64
OBS: kiwi-builder-image - images/aarch64
OBS: kube-rbac-proxy-image - images/aarch64
OBS: metallb - standard/aarch64
OBS: upgrade-controller - standard/aarch64
OBS: metallb-speaker-image - images/aarch64
OBS: release-manifest-image - images/aarch64
OBS: upgrade-controller-image - images/aarch64
OBS: hauler - standard/aarch64
OBS: endpoint-copier-operator-image - images/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - test_manifest_images/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - test_manifest_images/x86_64
OBS: frr-k8s-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-controller-image - images/aarch64
OBS: ironic-ipa-ramdisk - standard/aarch64
OBS: akri-debug-echo-discovery-handler-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-opcua-discovery-handler-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-onvif-discovery-handler-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-udev-discovery-handler-image - images/aarch64
OBS: akri-webhook-configuration-image - images/aarch64
OBS: ironic-image - images/aarch64
OBS: ironic-ipa-downloader-image - images/aarch64
OBS: kubectl-image - images/aarch64
OBS: metallb-controller-image - images/aarch64
OBS: metallb-controller-image - images/x86_64
OBS: akri-agent-image - images/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - images/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - images/x86_64
We need to ensure these build to enable usage of the metal3 chart on ARM
steven.hardy requested review from nbelouin 2025-02-19 17:52:51 +01:00

@nbelouin as discussed I added the metal3 related images so we can test the project config automation - when we've confirmed those are building and the config update is applied, I'll need to enable metal3-chart and also the rancher-turtles chart

@nbelouin as discussed I added the metal3 related images so we can test the project config automation - when we've confirmed those are building and the config update is applied, I'll need to enable metal3-chart and also the rancher-turtles chart
nbelouin requested changes 2025-02-20 08:14:18 +01:00
nbelouin left a comment

Due to a quirk in how the config works, you need to add some excludebuild after line 59.
You need to exclude the images (baremetal-operator-image, ironic-ipa-downloader-image, ironic-image and kube-rbac-proxy-image).

Due to a quirk in how the config works, you need to add some `excludebuild` after line 59. You need to exclude the images (`baremetal-operator-image`, `ironic-ipa-downloader-image`, `ironic-image` and `kube-rbac-proxy-image`).

charts are not architecture dependents, so we won't need to enable them

charts are not architecture dependents, so we won't need to enable them
steven.hardy force-pushed arm_config from 46b776e293 to f61bb1e0e6 2025-02-20 10:36:52 +01:00 Compare

Due to a quirk in how the config works, you need to add some excludebuild after line 59.
You need to exclude the images (baremetal-operator-image, ironic-ipa-downloader-image, ironic-image and kube-rbac-proxy-image).

Thanks, now updated!

> Due to a quirk in how the config works, you need to add some `excludebuild` after line 59. > You need to exclude the images (`baremetal-operator-image`, `ironic-ipa-downloader-image`, `ironic-image` and `kube-rbac-proxy-image`). Thanks, now updated!
nbelouin approved these changes 2025-02-20 10:58:30 +01:00
nbelouin merged commit 531bb91d27 into main 2025-02-20 15:34:52 +01:00
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Reference: suse-edge/Factory#74
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