Nicolas Belouin eae86c9ade Document branch version
Signed-off-by: Nicolas Belouin <>
2024-11-07 16:37:52 +01:00

39 lines
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# Factory
Contains the definition of the packages built on OBS for the SUSE Edge Solution (WIP)
This repository is linked to an OBS project: <>
Every directory in this repository represents a package in that OBS project, those should be synced automatically from this repository.
## Adding a package
To add a package, first create a directory with your package as you intend it in OBS.
Then run the `.obs/` script to create the package in the OBS project and add the required elements to the synchronization workflow.
This script is using the `osc` command behind the scenes, so ensure you have it installed and correctly configured, as well as you have the correct permissions to create a new package in the project.
You will then get asked to push your changes.
## Testing a fork or a development branch
You can create a project in your home space in OBS, use the same prjconf as the one of "isv:SUSE:Edge:Factory", and copy the repositories part of the metadata (adjust self references).
Then add a scmsync stanza to your metadata like this (adjust repository path and branch):
## Cutting a release version branch
1. Do the appropriate git branch command
2. Change the project path in `.obs/` file (e.g. from `isv:SUSE:Edge:Factory` to `isv:SUSE:Edge:3.2`)
3. Change the branch reference in `.obs/` file (e.g. from `main` to `3.2`)
4. Edit the `.obs/workflows.yml` file to change the references to the correct projects
5. Commit those changes to the new branch and push the new branch
6. Create the base and to-test projects (e.g. `isv:SUSE:Edge:3.2` and `isv:SUSE:Edge:3.2:ToTest`), use the `isv:SUSE:Edge:Factory` projects as example for metadata part
7. Use the prjconf of Factory in all those projects
8. Run the `.obs/` script to create all the packages in the base project
9. Go take a few cups of coffee/tea/mate/... while waiting for OBS to build everything
10. Once built do an `osc release` of the project for it to be copied over in the `ToTest` section
11. Hand over to QA to test whatever is in `ToTest`. (You can continue to work on the base branch if needed meanwhile)