The Asturian, French, Norwegian Nynorsk and Spanish translations
incorrectly translated "MB" and friends to "MiB" (french: "Mio"), etc.
This was in response to the incorrect use of "MB" in the (now
deprecated) g_format_size_for_display() function.
These strings are now used (correctly) in g_format_size(), so I have
updated the translations accordingly.
Additionally, the Norwegian Nynorsk translation was incorrectly
translating several larger units to "KiB", so that has been corrected as
All the .po files are now in UTF-8!
For information on editing UTF-8 files on Unix, see
If you just want to convert it back to your native encoding to
edit and then convert again to UTF-8 to commit, please see the
scripts in gnome-i18n/UTF-8, for example
export ENCODING_TO=ISO-8859-15
utftopo fi.po
emacs fi.po fi.po
cvs commit fi.po
Alternatively, you can use the gettext package (>= 0.11) to convert
your translation to and from your native encoding:
msgconv -t ISO-8859-15 fi.po > fi.native.po
emacs fi.native.po
msgconv -t UTF-8 fi.native.po > fi.po
cvs commit fi.po
If you need help with this, ask, but please don't commit
non-UTF-8 files here.